
Coming Soon! Sneek Peak - Bumble Bee and Princess Parties

It seems I am always planning a party these days ( which by the way is GREAT ! )
 I like to give myself time to shop around though, so I have been spending a lot of time in my favorite craft stores .
But who's complaining- shopping is therapy.
To find all the little things that will add the spectacular details to the party, it's good to give yourself time to explore what's in the stores....
So many trips to Michaels, JoAnn Fabrics and Crafts, WalmartMarshalls and Homegoods

In a couple weeks I am hosting a "Purple Party" for a group of friends celebrating their birthdays in October.

Also coming soon
Bumble Bee Bay-Bee Shower

Princess Party ( she  lost her Royal Treasures)..hint: They were stolen by Pirates

As you can see, these parties are in the preparation stages, but STAY TUNED !



  1. Oh my goodness, you have a lot of parties coming up. How exciting! Lovin' the bumble bees... and the cupcake tray looks great with the gold ribbon! And I have to ask about the necklace-- where is that from? Love it!

  2. Hi Mel,
    Thank you so much.I purchased the gold ribbon from walmart.
    Also I will be posting pictures from the purple party this weekend.
    ** I purchased that necklace from Forever 21,a while back. They jewelry there are really inexpensive. Check out their website

    BTW I love your site as well, so I am becoming a follower.
